** The Sunday Show: Surviving Kidney cancer

** The Sunday Show: Surviving Kidney cancer

On Sunday 1st October, we continued our theme of ’What Integrative Medicine in cancer means to me’ when Chris Woollams Interviewed Jose, a wonderful lady in her 70s who is now all clear and more than 5 years on from being diagnosed with kidney cancer, having had a personal programme built by Chris around her conventional medicine.

This is all part of the 20th Birthday celebrations for CANCERactive, Britain's clear leader in Integrative Medicine for cancer in the UK.

Jose is the wife of CANCERactive chairman, Larry Brooks. She was diagnosed with Kidney cancer more than five years ago. It wasn't all plain sailing. Just before her operation, the oncologist decided to give her a chemo 'flush' to mop any cancer cells that had escaped already, and others that might with the op. Jose and Larry refused and said Chris would sort that! Chris built a programme and did. Jose is over 5 years on and NED (No Evidence of Disease. Killing yeasts and E coli was an important part of the protocol, not just diet, exercise and supplements. Chris used a few natural chemo agents too.

There is only one way you can see this special show - 

Watch it at any time by joining the CANCERactive Community for a small monthly fee of £5 
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(and watch ALL the past 40+ Sunday Shows and the ones to come in the next 12 months)
As usual, this show is NOT TO BE MISSED as Chris sets out to bring you tips and well researched information that can help you increase your personal odds of survival, just as Jose has done.
The Sunday Show 2023
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